It's another really fun day in paper doll land. Do you remember playing with paper dolls when you were little? I did. Not that I can remember too many that I actually played with.
I can remember cutting out a few of them and playing with them. I vaguely remember The Ginghams and Raggeddy Anne Color Forms. I remember having my appendix out one year and someone gave me a set of those color forms. I can remember playing with them in the hospital.
And I was also really lucky, as my appendix was about ready to burst. I was six years old when it happened and was really sick for a few days. And my lips puffed up really bad and my mom finally brought me in to see Dr. Orbeton. I'm sure he is dead now. He immediately said that I had to go straight to the hospital.
So we walked on over and got me in. I think I had to stay there for an overnight or two. And then I got to come home.
But paper dolls were a lot of fun to play with.
Years ago, when I first started making my own paper dolls, my mother would say, "Now, there's something."
She then went on to tell me that she and her best friend used to have trunks full of paper dolls.
And I am sure their's were the old vintage ones. All the fashion dolls and vintage. Ava Gardner. There was a paper doll for every sort of fashion celebrity. My personal favorite, Katherine Hepburn.
I've got to seriously get back to creating some more paper dolls.
Today, I even thought of some first drafts for my video games that I have been wanting to create would be good for the Gothic girls line.
For one of the video games ideas I came up with, I had started to draw up some creepy looking dolls with leaves coming out their eyes. They could also be good for the paper dolls.
I've come up with a few videos. I can complete the written scenarios and the drawings and artwork. But someday, when it is finished, I would have to find someone to turn it into a three d form.
One of the videos I got copyrighted. It is called Passions Unleashed and is an adult game. A game of sex and murder. There are lots of characters, 130 rooms that I have to draw out. Drawings of all the characters. And about forty written scenarios.
I've written three to four scenarios so far. And I've drawn up the walls for the Kinky Kitchen and the cemetary and living room and a few other rooms. I have to finish the walls and do the coloring and then come up with drawings for all the other fun rooms that I thought up.
They will have to figure out which two people are having sex, in what room, and with what object. Definitely not for kids. Definitely adults.
The guy that I was going to collaborate on this with, thought we could get access to porn videos and other stuff.
I'm glad I am not dating him anymore and the video game idea is all mine. I don't want any porn in my video. I want it to be a little classier than that. Anime sounded kind of neat.
I've copyrighted it and the first three scenarios, so nobody else can take my idea in my way of writing it and drawing all the drawings.
I'm sure someone else could come up with a possible similiar idea. I know I am not the only one who has thought of creating a video game of sex and murder.
But nobody can take my style. That is mine.
Same with the paper dolls. Those are all mine.
I brought in my sketchbook this weekend. Maybe I will start taking some photos of some of my new sketches in the works to share on here.
It definitely takes a long time to create a set. But once they are finished they look great.
So, now I have them for sale on this blog on the first post.
BunBun and Olga paper dolls was my first completed set that I finished about eight or nine years ago.
It started by a Doll magazine that I subscribed to before this set was done. Inside the pages of the magazine was a contest for us to create outfits for the Helen Kish paper doll. It prompted me to do it. I wanted to win and get my stuff in the magazine.
I won! I got my outfits in the magazine and I won a little six to eight inch Helen Kish Riley doll. They are normally kind of expensive. I was so excited.
And then I was encouraged to send more to them. And I was borderline on getting a contract with them to create paper dolls. The girl wanted to have my stuff in there too, but they also had a contract with another girl and they couldn't have both of us in the magazine.
Then I discovered OPDAG trade magazine, based in Maine. For a bunch of years, I have contributed to that magazine. I have been slacking in the last few years. They send it out quarterly. I've usually been creating the outfits for their dress a doll and I send a few of my sets that they include in the magazine.
Once, I actually had a mail order for a paper doll set. That happened a few times. Kind of neat.
So then I created this BunBun and Olga set. Bunbun was a favorite rabbit toy that I had in childhood. And I still have her, but you wouldn't know that she is a bunny now. She had beans in her and once I threw her in the trash.
Her friend was Olga that was my stuffed animal puppy. I thought up the paperdoll set about them. It took a few weeks to a month to finish the whole set. I really take my time with things.
I've got a few pages that I think I still have to finish. Maybe that will someday be a second set for them.
And I have written a little children's book that I will someday illustrate. Little Jenny and BunBun. It will chronicle my young life with BunBun.
Then, I also have started a series for BunBun and Olga Paper Dolls. I still have to finish the first little story.
It's called BunBun and Olga get Bullied.
It's going to kind of be a little series. I have kind of envisioned that it would be a neat little tv series. Kind of like Arthur. The series about the ardvark.
Yet, it would be my own thing with my own set of morals and values. There of course will be a lot of bunnies and puppies in it and maybe some other animal characters. I think I am more than halfway through the Bully story.
Maybe I will post it here, when it is done. And maybe some illustrations would be cool to go with it.
So anyway, if anybody wants to check out the paper dolls I have so far, go to the first post.
And another kind of exciting thing. I have a store on Zazzle that has been kind of dormant for a while.
I finally found an email from them today, and some of my products got sold. Yay. It's mostly floral photography and doll photography so far. And I have another store just for the paperdolls on products.
I think I will now be going onto those stores and adding some new products on the stores of my paperdolls and my other photographs.
So if anyone wants one of the paper dolls on a mug or tee shirt or something, you can get it at Zazzle.
I thought nothing would ever happen from that site. Good lord, maybe I am wrong.
Some other people are doing pretty well there. I see some people always posting their stuff from Zazzle on my igoogle page.
And over the next few days, I need to start to join some paper doll groups so I can promote this paper doll blog to people that like paper dolls.
It's a real struggle to get the paper dolls off the ground. Someone said I have to brand myself, yet I'm not really sure how to do that.
All I know how to brand myself is that I am unique and nobody makes paper dolls quite like me. To me it is an art form. Fine art paper dolls. I really strive for a lot in my paper dolls.
And someone said there was about 21 million paper doll sites. I guess I have to try to figure out a way that sets me apart from other paper doll sites. I'm not really sure how to approach that.
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